71 Broken Trust Quotes

71 Broken Trust Quotes

Trust is the foundation of any relationship, whether it’s a friendship, a romantic relationship, or a professional one. It’s the glue that holds people together, the invisible thread that binds us to each other. But what happens when that trust is broken? The pain of betrayal, the disappointment, the shattered faith – it’s a feeling many of us know all too well.

Whether you’re dealing with the aftermath of a broken trust, trying to rebuild a relationship, or simply seeking to understand the complexity of human interactions, quotes about broken trust can offer insight, comfort, and perspective. They remind us that we’re not alone in our experiences, and they provide wisdom from those who’ve walked the same path.

In this collection, we’ve compiled 71 Broken Trust Quotes from various authors, thinkers, and individuals who have shared their thoughts on this challenging aspect of life. These quotes delve into the pain, the healing, and the lessons learned from experiencing and overcoming broken trust. Read on to find the words that resonate with your own experiences, and may they provide some solace and understanding.

  1. You broke my trust, and it was my entire mistake because I trusted you completely.
  2. Trust should be established first before betrayal can take place.
  3. I can forgive you but I will never trust you again.
  4. It is hard to trust our friends sometimes because they might become our cruelest enemies.
  5. When your trust is broken by someone, never think that it is your mistake because they are just untrustworthy people.
  6. You can easily lose trust yet it is very difficult to build it.
  7. One should select the people they trust; not everyone deserves to be trusted.
  8. Each time you lie, a piece of me is being removed and you cannot get it back again.
  9. Before you start another relationship, make sure that you will be ready to trust again.
  10. Getting someone’s trust would be priceless, yet once you break it consider yourself useless.
  11. Broken trust is hard to heal because we’re not even trying to heal it. We’re just trying to make ourselves feel safe.
  12. If you cannot contain one small secret, then you cannot be trusted with a bigger one.
  13. You did lie to me but I am not upset about that but about the fact that I could not believe you anymore.
  14. I would rather suffer than make anyone suffer, and be cheated upon than be the cheater.
  15. Once trust is broken, some attitudes would have to be changed because they are needed to establish trust.
  16. Gaining trust could motivate you in life, but you have to be patient about it.
  17. You can love everyone but only trust a few of them.
  18. A person who turns over your papers when you are not in the same room should never be trusted.

Blind Trust Quotes

71 Broken Trust Quotes

      1. Never trust a person whose feelings easily change, but trust the person whose feelings remain unaltered through time.
      2. I gave you my trust which is a part of myself, and I hope you would not make me regret it.
      3. You cannot trust a person completely once he has broken it.
      4. Our hearts does not know what doubt and believing means, it only knows trust.
      5. When you trust someone, you will find yourself with a friend or a lesson to remember in the end.
      6. Each time I trust a person, they always remind me why I should not have in the first place.
      7. Constantly lying persons could never expect the people around them to give their trust.
      8. I never get too close to a person because I fear that when I trust them, they would only break it.
      9. Once a person lied to you once, you would never be the same again.
      10. Trusting everyone would get you to nowhere.

I Have Trust Issues Quotes

71 Broken Trust Quotes

      1. Trust issues happen when you do something that deems to be very unforgivable to another.
      2. The saddest thing in the world is to be in a relationship that does not have any belief at all.
      3. The best thing someone can give you is their belief that you would never ever lie to them ever.
      4. One of the gifts that you can give someone is to put your faith in them, to believe them, really.
      5. I wish that you would always remember that you can always put your faith in me, my darling.
      6. As long as you can be loyal, I believe that we would not have any issues with each other at all.
      7. As much as you can, I recommend that you avoid having any trust issues with anyone at all.
      8. If you do not want to make some mess out of your life, then you might as well just try harder.
      9. Distrust is the hardest thing at all, I wish you can actually not have that with me ever in life.
      10. There can be no healing at all if you do not put some of that faith in your heart to that person.
      11. You can make mistakes in life but to lie or to betray someone else is totally out of line, my boy.
      12. If you can promise me your loyalty, I will promise to believe in you, to put my good faith, girl.

Trust Break Quotes

71 Broken Trust Quotes

      1. Broken trust is hard to heal because we’re not even trying to heal it. We’re just trying to make ourselves feel safe. — Mira Kirshenbaum
      2. If you cannot contain one small secret, then you cannot be trusted with a bigger one.
      3. You did lie to me but I am not upset about that but about the fact that I could not believe you anymore.
      4. I would rather suffer than make anyone suffer, and be cheated upon than be the cheater.
      5. Once trust is broken, some attitudes would have to be changed because they are needed to establish trust.
      6. Gaining trust could motivate you in life, but you have to be patient about it.
      7. You can love everyone but only trust a few of them.
      8. A person who turns over your papers when you are not in the same room should never be trusted.
      9. Trusting too much could hurt you, but not trusting enough could torment you through life.
      10. Only trust those who deserve to be trusted, not all men are worthy of it.
      11. Paper, once crumpled, can never be the same piece again, just like trust.
      12. You always say that you will do anything, yet you never did and that is why I do not trust you.
      13. When the person you trust the most breaks your trust, get over it by building a bridge but never let them cross it again.
      14. Only corpses do not have the ability to break your trust.
      15. I forgive you because I am a good person, but I would not trust you anymore because I am not stupid.
      16. Even suspicion could destroy one’s trust in you, so be careful of what you do.
      17. Why do they call it heart break when everything else in my body also hurts?
      18. Trusting someone means you are putting everything in your partner’s hands because you expect them to take care of it.
      19. I feel so bad not because you lied, but because I have to stop believing you from now on.
      20. The moment we trust, we are also becoming vulnerable, but we still have to do it for love.
      21. You cannot trust everyone you love, so I trust you is much better than I love you.

Relationship Trust Quote

71 Broken Trust Quotes

      1. If you want to rekindle the trust in your relationship, both of you would have to work on it.
      2. A relationship with a broken trust could only be saved if one person decides that she is ready to trust again.
      3. I would rather remember my heart before it got broken than look at all its broken pieces right now.
      4. We open up ourselves ultimately when we trust, because we can only find love when there is trust.
      5. If a person already broke your trust once, he will never hesitate to do it again.
      6. Liars would only have their satisfaction a few minutes after telling their lies, but would have a lifetime of a guilty conscience.
      7. Forgiving the enemy is easier than forgiving a friend who betrayed you.

I Don’t Trust Anyone Quotes

71 Broken Trust Quotes

      1. Trusting the wrong people would lead you to wrong circumstances.
      2. Trusting only yourself is the safest way to avoid getting hurt.
      3. I opened up to you completely, yet you still managed to break my trust.
      4. When people are given trust, they just take advantage of it and later on destroy it.
      5. Reserve your trust from someone who says I will never tell anyone but.
      6. Sorry is not enough to fix the trust you destroyed.
      7. The list of people that I only trust is almost invisible to the naked eye.
      8. You should stop thinking about the people who ruined the trust you gave them.
      9. I fear that when I start getting close to you, you would also leave me like the others did.
      10. There are no regrets that I met you, I only regret giving my trust to you.
      11. If you fooled me once the shame is on you. If you fooled me twice then the shame is on me.
      12. Trust may be tough, but all the doubt in the world came from broken trust.
      13. I find it difficult to trust people, so when I give my trust to you I hope you would not make me regret it.
      14. Just stop apologizing if you are going to do it again.
      15. Avoid believing what you just heard and only believe half of what you see.
      16. When the person you trust breaks your faith in them, they are the bad person, not you.
      17. No trust in a relationship is like having a phone without a network connection; you just use it to play games.
      18. I wish that you would remember that the hardest thing to do is repairing the trust that has been broken once.